VR shortfilm
In “Chiquitanitos” you meet the indigenous people of the forest: the Chiquitanos Indians who live off and in the rainforest. The chiquitanos are part of the indigenous people of Bolivia. The rainforest is their basis of life, and it is threatened if the rainforest disappears. By ensuring the conservation of rainforests and the rights of indigenous peoples, it can also contribute to a better climate and sustainable development globally and locally. Visit impact-amazonas.dk/ for more information and material.
The shortfilm is best experienced in a VR headset. It can be downloaded and seen here in 6K (works in Chrome and Edge).

A few examples of what visitors from Viborg Skolerne said about the exhibition:
“Of course I was upset when I saw the forest fire because of course it’s sad for everything that lives in the forest. You also get the urge to do something about it, you also get a bit of a feeling that it can not true that such a thing happens.”
“I think the exhibition was very interesting and it also touched me a little, deep down, because you can just feel that there is a difference between the countries. And I think something needs to be done about that.”
“I think the video was well made and I also think it was a shame for them that their rainforest was burned down. It was something they really liked. I think it was a good video and it also tells something.”
The exhibition
Impact Amazonas at Ecolarium. A virtual reality exhibition about climate change in the rainforest. Made in collaboration with the World’s Forest Organization and Ecolarium and funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
What Exhibition Manager @Ecolarium, Hanne Rasmussen said about the exhibition:
“I have been pleased to see the visitors’ enthusiasm about the exhibition and the film. It is communicated in a way that everyone can understand and the way that the virtual reality short film is photographed has worked really well.”